
Look how srs business I am.

I’ve watched 24 movies in the last two months, 10 in January. Oh, this is more of a monthly personal record I intend on doing from now on than something I think would be interesting for the 30 or so people who follow me (hai guys, what’s up *wink*). 

Movies Watched
Lars and the Real Girl
2. Half Nelson
3. Annie Hall
4. The Descendants
5. Princess Mononoke
6. Haywire
7. Oldboy
8. Sex, Lies, and Videotape
9. The Big Lebowski
10. Milk 

I also read 4 books this month.

Books Read
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
2. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
3. Bossypants by Tina Fey
4. Mr. Fox by Helen Oyeyemi

Honestly though, I’ve just been consuming a lot of media recently because I’m lonely and it’s a better alternative to leaving my apartment and making bad decisions (which, if we’re talking numbers here, have also been aplenty during the course of January). 

Oh well, whatever. Next month I’ll be covering another conference in Vegas, chilling in my personal suite at The Palazzo and ordering exorbitantly priced room service on Valentine’s Day. I may be in a “long-distance relationship” (I put that in quotes because while officially I’m single, lesberealChrisandIaretotallytogetherandIamtotallyemotionallyunavailable), but my life is really not bad at all. I’m just needy and have gone too long without regular snuggles. 

On a completely unrelated note, I’m also planning on dying my hair this color at some point in February: 

I want my badassery to increase by at least 20 points. Totally do-able, yes?