
An 8-Year Relationship, Condensed

Year 1 

“Last night I made out with Chris, David’s roommate. He’s cute. He dances. We danced a lot. We made out a lot. I’m not all too interested in actually dating him, he was just cute.” 

Year 2

“I just feel like I’ve met a lot of guys, liked a lot of guys, interacted with a lot of guys, and have had ‘things’ with a lot of guys, and Chris has been the best of them all. He’s so easy to be with, so natural and unforced. We don’t have to try hard to get along, we just work well together.” 

Year 3

“I feel like though this whole situation with Chris has been really trying and difficult, I really do think it has been and will be for the best. I have my own life and my own friends and my own interests and talents. I can now wake up in the morning and not revolve my daily activities around Chris’ schedule.”

Year 4

“My boyfriend is such a fucking goddam idiot sometimes.”

Year 5

“Sometimes it’s hard to fathom how it’s possible to love someone so wholly and completely. Even after being together for almost 5 years, I feel like Chris and I are still discovering each other, still sharing new things with each other. It’s still exciting to see him and be around him, and I still look forward to spending new moments with him. How are we so good together?” 

Year 6 

“I feel like a lot of this can be traced back to Chris. Being loved is so empowering - like hey, I’ve been able to turn this typically difficult thing (dating, long-term/long-distance relationship) into a big success, I’m confident I can be successful in everything now.” 

Year 7

“By this point, I fucking know Chris. And I know that he’s been really fucking weird recently. And you know, fucking FUCK that. I’m either a priority or I’m not. Whatever, fuck Chris.”

Year 8

“While we’ve had our issues, I still enjoy hanging out with Chris, even now, almost 8 years later. He still makes me laugh and catches me off guard. What we have is better.”

Happy 8-year anniversary, CJY. Here’s to another 8.