What it feels like to end a long-distance relationship.

You guys. You guys you guys you guys. Ending a long-distance relationship is a level of bliss I have never known before. 

I apologize for my extended absence. I moved to SoCal and then hopped on a flight to the Philippines and was on vacation for 2.5 weeks and have been mostly in my underwear working from home since getting back. 

Even though I’m still living at my parents’ house while my sister and I look for an apartment, and even though I’ve been living out of three extremely disheveled suitcases for the past month, I still feel like a sense of calm has settled over my life.

While I was still in San Francisco, I anticipated my move to LA with a mixture of excitement and hesitation. What if Chris and I had grown too far apart during the three years that we were long-distance? What if we’d become too accustomed to our independence and freedom, our ability to come and go and more or less do whatever the fuck we please? I moved to SoCal and three days later we were on a plane together, about to embark on a 2.5 week trip in which we would be spending 24 hours/day together. What if we were over each other and just didn’t know it? 

However, falling back into the routine of being together has been so easy, it’s as if we were never apart. It feels so simple, so right, as if I just stepped out to grab coffee and of course he would be there waiting for me once I got back. In the past month, we’ve spent as much time together as we have over the course of the past 8 months, and it’s been fucking wonderful. 

Now I split my time evenly between my parents’ house and Chris’ apartment in LA, driving back and forth across stretches of freeway as the what-feels-like-permanent sunshine beats against the windows of my car. Earlier this week I woke up in Chris’ bed and we got bagels for breakfast and I worked from his apartment and then went to yoga afterwards and he came home from work late and crawled back into bed with me at 3am, and it was perfect. It was perfect it was perfect it was perfect. 

But, anyways. While I have more to say on long-distance relationships, this feels like enough for now. How wonderful it is to be young and in love and in the same part of the state.